Opportunities for Blockchain Technology in Capital Markets
Learn from industry experts, get strategic insights and explore in-production use cases
Discover how blockchain technology is transforming capital markets and understand where your organization fits in.

Content of the session:
- How Benefits of Blockchain in capital markets
- New roles in the emerging blockchain-supported capital markets landscape
- How crypto-native DeFi provides a window for the future
- The current progress of blockchain in capital markets
- Q&A session with the participants
Free Minibook - co-authored with Fujitsu
Opportunities for Blockchain Technology in Capital Markets

Meet our panel of experts
Steven Van de Sype
Commercial Director at Bolero.be, Matti & Bolero Crowdfunding
Benjamin Duve
Head of DIgital Assets and Custody at Commerzbank
John Ho
Head of Legal, Financial Markets at Standard Chartered Bank
Moderator / Luana Marocco
Blockchain Solution Architect at Settlemint
Matthew Van Niekerk
CEO and Co-Founder at SettleMint