A European Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): A Game-Changer for the ECB?
Learn how a shift to Central Bank Digital Currencies can impact the world we live in.

A recent survey among 66 central banks by the Bank for International Settlements shows that more than 80% are working on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The European Central Bank is one of them.
Not because they want to keep up with fashionable trends, but because they have to be ready. Ready to embrace financial technological innovation which has the potential to transform payments and money faster, and in more disruptive ways, than ever before.
We invite a special guest Ulrich Bindseil, Director General of Market Infrastructure & Payments at the ECB, who will bring you up to speed on the topic.
In particular, the session will cover:
What is a Central Bank Digital Currency?
How would a CBDC look like in a European context?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of shifting towards the digital currency realm?
How far are we from implementing such policies in Europe and around the world?
Join us to get strategic insights.
Scroll down to meet our panellists.
Opportunities for Blockchain Technology in Capital Markets

Meet our panel of experts

Ulrich Bindseil
Director General Market infrastructure & payments ECB
Ulrich Bindseil is the Director General of the ECB's Directorate General for Market Infrastructures and Payment Systems (DG-MIP) since 1 November 2019. Previously, he had been the ECB's Director General for Market Operations (since May 2012) and head of the ECB's Risk Management Division (between 2005 and 2008). Ulrich has joined central banking in 1994, namely in the Economics Department of the Deutsche Bundesbank, after his Economics studies. His publications include: Monetary Policy Operations and the Financial System (OUP, 2014); central banking before 1800 a rehabilitation (OUP, 2019).

Moderator /Filip Peeters
Blockchain Enthusiast
Filip is a blockchain expert working at SettleMint, responsible for business development in Europe and collaborating with European institutions. He obtained his Masters Degree in Economics, specializing in International Business and Innovation, at the KU Leuven. He has also been involved in the digital currency space for some years and is a strong believer in its future potential.

Matthew Van Niekerk
CEO and Co-Founder at SettleMint
Matthew previously held roles as Strategy Consultant, Chief Operating Officer (Consumer Finance) and finally Head of Platform Innovation for KBC Securities. Matthew believes in the benefits that the blockchain technology will bring to organisations and to society, which is why he wants to accelerate the adoption of the technology and simplify the blockchain journey for enterprises.